Fie Lindholm, She/Her
Yoga guide & graphic designer
I would say that it is my sensitivity that makes me really feel self empowerment the most!
Nature is where I go for inspiration, both within but also for overall inspiration. Nature is always a good place for me to be. It refreshes my mind, stimulates my senses and creates clarity - especially in times when life is a mess. It is where I get to reflect on things I’ve been through and what I want to learn from them.
I think that I, like most other menstruating beings, would have really benefited from a better "education" in our cyclical potentials.
Overall, a more diverse and in-depth sexual education, on a bodily, historical and societal level in the years of primary and secondary school, would probably have benefited my generation quite a bit.
Besides that, it would have been great not to have been exposed so much to “the slick and forever young look” cultivated by mainstream media. Imagine if a younger me could have felt as relaxed about cellulite, wrinkles, hair growth and a body in a constant change. I would have really wished that for me.
Today, I try to regulate that exposure with a heavy hand so that, as much as possible, I present myself to ideals that feel inclusive, caring, and honest to me. And I practice doing the same to a great extent when I send my own energy out there - whether in the real world or the digital world. It's a difficult but important exercise, and it feels so nice and freeing when you succeed.
When I’m in sweatpants doing bits and bobs at home with my dog Rita, eating breakfast for dinner and listening to bad rock music, in one end of the apartment while my partner chills and plays Playstation at the other - that is what is ideal to me, that is what makes me feel comfortable. And otherwise I just feel quite content on quiet and hot summer days, when I can have like zero clothes on. I love that!
To go against the grain? It is to be honest. To be brave. So I try to be brave every day :)

FIE LINDHOLM / @fielindholm